Monday, July 16, 2001

Stimulation Day 3, Day 53 of IVF Prep, Cycle day 6.

A lot of people describe IF treatment as a rollercoaster ride. Usually I think they are referring to the emotional ups and downs of hope and disappointment or the mood swings caused by the hormones, but today the thoughts running through my mind are more like the thoughts when you are approaching the top of the big hill or just about to start the 3 consecutive loops on a rollercoaster: why did I get on this thing? I like rollercoasters a lot; they are exhilarating and scary and exciting all at the same time, maybe that's why I like them. You are glad you are there but also wishing you were safe on the ground where it may be boring but at least you knew what was happening. IF treatment is a rollercoaster ride, in more ways than I had originally thought.

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