Thursday, August 18, 2005

Helping at the ballpark

Yesterday we went to a baseball game. While DS2 and I found seats in our regular area, DH and DS1 bought dinner. As they came back, DH carried a tray with 2 drinks & 3 fries, and DS1 carried a tray with 3 hamburgers and a hotdog. He looked like such a big boy! A nice lady seated on the first row tried to help him ("let me take that for you", said very nicely), but he said, "I can carry it myself." And he did! One hamburger slid off, so she picked it up and put it back on the stack for him. He climbed up about 10 steps carrying the tray, after having carried it up a long steep ramp. I told him "thank you" and that I was very proud of him for helping Daddy bring supper.