Tuesday, July 10, 2001

Day 47 of IVF Prep

Cycle day 20, lupron day 7.

I have a big red itchy welt on the outside of my thigh, about the size of my palm. It just showed up this morning. I've been rereading the online drug information for lupron and did find that 5% of patients get dermatitis. I also found this statement under Some Special Advice: You may experience hot flashes when using Lupron (leuprolide acetate) Injection. During the first few weeks of treatment you may experience increased bone pain, increased difficulty in urinating, and less commonly but most importantly, you may experience the onset or aggravation of nerve symptoms. In any of these events, discuss the symptoms with your doctor. (My emphasis). This is noteworthy because just yesterday I was talking with my PCP about my hands shaking. Hmmmm, I guess I should mention this to my RE's office.

Test-Tube Babies Show No Emotional Problems: Study

Kids Conceived by Sperm Injection Healthy, Normal

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