Monday, December 23, 2002

Day Off

Tomorrow has been declared a day off due to inclement weather where I work. That means that I don't have to use a sick leave day to stay home with DS (who couldn't go to daycare even if his fever was gone). He seems to be feeling a little run down and clingy, but otherwise okay. He didn't nurse long after his nap this morning and just chewed on the bottle around noon, but he drank the one this afternoon right down then ate some banana before nursing and taking a nap. We have 3 more bottles of fresh milk that he needs to drink before Thursday or they will be wasted. I pumped earlier today and got 5 oz for the freezer. I'll pump again this afternoon and give him another bottle the next time he needs to eat. I want to nurse some, too, because it is so good for both of us, but we do need to use up the bottles that are in the refrigerator.

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