Monday, April 29, 2002

Honey I'm Home

I had my baby on Wednesday, April 24, 2002 at 4:19 am. He was 8 lb 9.3 oz, and 21 3/4 inches long. After an induction attempt on Monday, a rest Monday night, and restarting the induction on Tuesday, I labored for about 20 hours naturally (except for the pitocin) and was in my 3rd hour of pushing when fetal distress was detected. We had an emergency C-section and DS is still in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). He has made great strides since Wednesday and is continuing to improve, but much more slowly now. I had an illius (sp?), which is problems with gas in the intestines, which caused my stay to be longer than usual. Check the links on the left in a few days for more details of the past week, including the birth story.

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