Friday, March 29, 2002

I stopped by the post office on the way home and got a package of cloth all-in-one diapers that I bought through ebay. I just washed them and moved them to the dryer. Between those, a sample pack of several different kinds that I got from CottonBloomers, and some pre-folds and unfolded ones that coworkers gave me, I should be set. I counted 42, so if the kiddo uses 10-12 like the experts say, then I should be able to go 2-3 days between washing diapers and have a days worth as a cushion. I could use a few more nice covers, though. I have 1 Fuzzibunz and 1 other nice one, and a 3 pack of vinyl pants. Actually I just remembered 2 cotton wraps that I got in an eBay auction, so I'm pretty well set for diapers. I'm not sure how we'll handle wipes, though (disposable, or wash cloths, or something else).

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