Thursday, March 28, 2002


My Dr. appointment went well today. My BP was between the two readings from last week. My belly measured 39, up 2 cm from last week, but my doc said that toward the end the cm-to-week correlation isn't as good because if the baby happens to stretch or move, then the measurement changes. We talked about my Birth Plan and he seems very supportive of natural/unmedicated birthing. He didn't balk at the "no IV, not even a hep-lock, unless needed", but he did comment that they send babies back to the hospital for the PKU instead of doing them in the office (if not done before leaving the hospital). I learned that "the state" makes them repeat the test if it is originally done when the baby is less than 24 hours old. He said 48-72 hours is fine, so even if we decide not to decline it, as least we can wait several days hopefully without being hassled too much by medical staff.

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