Friday, September 28, 2001


I just got back from my first official OB appointment. It was fun except for when the speculum wouldn't stay open and pinched. (They got another one.) I didn't have to have a pap or even a breast exam since I've had them both within the past 6 months. My PCP asked me all the history questions, most of which he already knew the answers to. He asked about my last menstrual period, so we chatted about that and the actual conception date and the due date (based on the matching conception date and CRL from my last u/s). He checked the uterus size and position (I guess), and found the heartbeat with the Doppler -- good and strong at 170 beats per minute!

We talked about guidelines / recommendations for exercise, eating, etc. Primarily they are common sense, avoid extremes. He said that in some ways he wants to treat me with kid gloves, particularly for avoiding medicines unless necessary, but in most ways he wants to treat me like any other pregnant patient. We sure found a good one 10 years ago when we picked him out of the phone book!

My next appointment is in a month, and I learned when checking out that I get to give a urine specimen every time. I asked what they check for, and the clerk thought they check for sugars and protein and probably other things.

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