Tuesday, September 25, 2001


I made a prenatal appointment with my PCP yesterday, an "initial OB" appointment as they called it. The scheduling clerk asked when my last menstrual period was. I told her I didn't remember but that I knew I was 10 1/2 weeks along. She kind of freaked... well actually, I could tell she was trying not to get too excited, but I did hear her ask the nurse whom I had just spoken with how soon she needed to get me in. (They normally schedule the 1st appointment between 6-8 weeks.) I have an appointment for this Friday. :-)

Since we used IVF, I honestly don't know when my "last" period was (would that be last "natural", or the brief one after I stopped BCP?), but I have checked the calendar, and for simplicity sake I will tell health professionals "July 11" in the future.

This morning a coworker gave me a list of toll-free phone numbers and web sites for companies that offer freebies or coupons to expecting and/or new parents. I should start signing up for things now, so when April gets closer I have one less thing to try to remember to do.

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