Sunday, August 19, 2001

2nd day of Vacation!
Aside from my hips being sore and pretty tender now from 22 days of POI shots, I'm feeling fine. We are vacationing at a much higher altitude than where I live, so I am being particularly watchful of altitude sickness by drinking lots of water (been doing that anyway), and resting a lot (been doing that, too). There is a hottub and a pool where we are staying. I know pregnant women are supposed to stay out of hottubs, but I couldn't resist because my hips are so sore. I was in the hottub for only 2 or 3 minutes, just long enough for my muscles to say "thanks". I did not let my overall body temp rise, I am sure, because my face didn't even feel as warm as when I get a hot flash. So after just a couple of minutes in the hottub, I switched to the heated pool. It was still pretty cool, considering how cool the evening mountain air is. It was just the right touch to finish a very nice day.

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