Wednesday, January 08, 2003

Transition to crib

Last night DS started out in his crib in his room instead of the cradle in our room. Since his has pulled himself up from sitting to standing once, and can easily reach the top of the side rails on the cradle, it is time to stop using it. I would like to still have him in our room, but I don't think we'll be able to fit the crib in there, even if we took my dresser out. Plus I don't think DH would like that idea too much.

I haven't actually seen him get to a sitting position from laying down, but I would not be surprised if he can already do it. I'm starting to wish for longer times between him going to sleep and waking for a meal. I do still want to bring him to bed and nurse there and stay there, though. For the past couple of nights it has been 4-5 hours before the first night-nursing. Another hour and we can "officially" call it "sleeping through the night". (The experts say that 6 hours should be considered "through the night", even though they also say that infants usually sleep 10-12 hours at night. Hmmm.)

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