Thursday, January 30, 2003

9 month check-up

DS's 9 month check-up went okay this morning. His height is still near the 50th percentile, but his weight is around the 25th instead of 50th. Nine months must be a "chunky" stage, because DS doesn't seem light for his height. He has quite a milk-belly and his arms and legs are full.

We forgot to give him Tylenol before the appointment, so he didn't have the benefit of the pain medicine in his system during the shots. I held him ready to breastfeed, as usual, but he was eyeing the nurses with great suspicion, particularly the one holding onto his legs. He didn't mind the needle stick much, but he cried when the medicine was going in for the first one. He looked up at me with, "why are you letting them do this to me?" in his eyes. The second shot wasn't as bad (the medicine must not have stung as much) and he nursed right through it. He fell asleep in the car on the way home. When we got home he woke up as I was laying him in his crib, so I nursed him some more and gave him some Tylenol. He slept for almost an hour and a half. Then I took him to day-care.

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