Sunday, January 12, 2003

Night-time challenges

Tonight, for the third night in a row, DS has had a very difficult time falling asleep at night. He has fallen asleep for naps okay, both at daycare and at home this weekend. But he has cried a lot and reawoken a lot the past three nights. This evening, after nursing him on both sides 3 times (twice beteen 8 and 9pm, then again after playing for awhile because he wasn't going to sleep), I warmed up a bottle and DH fed it to him. It's the first time that we have given him a bottle because he was still hungry after nursing. It made me very sad. I know my supply is down right now, my pumping sessions have been down for about a week, plus the calendar and my mood swings tell me that I should be starting a "monthly" cycle soon. DS also hasn't had as much solid food today as he usually has at daycare. So logically his needing a bottle makes sense, but emotionally it was still hard to do. DH and DS are in the bedroom now... DS is quiet for a while, then he stirs and cries. DH is holding him in the rocking chair and talking / singing to him quietly. DS may be teething or having a growth spurt, or just going through a "hard to fall asleep" phase. I hope this passes quickly!

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