Thursday, August 22, 2002

It was a lot easier to drop DS off at day care this morning than it was to leave him after lunch.

I called around 11:30 to find out when he had eaten and how hungry he was. They said he ate around 9:30 and seemed pretty hungry. I went right over and fed him (one side only) at 11:45. He fell asleep. I learned that he hadn't napped during the morning because every time they put him down after him falling asleep, he woke back up. I told them about our technique of holding in a blanket to fall asleep for naps, so when he is put in the crib he isn't shocked by the coldness of the sheets. This will be especially important at the CDC because they keep the sleeping room quite cool. After about 15 minutes he woke up and we walked around, then about 12:15 I fed him again (the other side). He stayed awake this time but rubbed his eyes quite a bit. I almost got him to go to sleep a couple of times, but with the noise from the other kids and the squeaky glider-rocker, he didn't really get to sleep. I left around 1, and he was quiet and relatively happy but definitely sleepy. If he does fall asleep, he'll probably be out for 1-2 hours. I sure hope he goes to sleep calmly instead of crying hard and getting so sleepy he can't relax. That's really all that I'm worried about now... that he won't get a nice nap or that he'll get so tired that he crys a lot before napping.

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