Friday, August 23, 2002

I didn't cry yesterday, but I did today. It wasn't so much because of taking DS to daycare, but that plus a misunderstanding with DH...

DH was planning on coming with us today, to see the routine for dropping DS off and for taking pictures. We were running later today than yesterday, but that didn't bother me since I can easily be late to work, and DH doesn't have to be there until 8:30 (and his normal location is not too far from the day care). Well, as we were getting ready to leave the house, DH said he wasn't taking the camera because of time, I said it would only take a couple of minutes for pictures, and asked "couldn't you be late today?" If he answered that last question, I missed it. I thought, but didn't say, "then why are you coming, if you're not bringing the camera?" I took DS and DH took our bags.

When we got to daycare, DH left the camera in his car and wanted to hurry. I asked why, and he explained that he had a meeting at 8:30 at his secondary location (the one that is closer to home and further from daycare). So I quickly showed him how to sign DS in and took the bags that he brought. Then he left. Then I talked with the teachers, gave them the milk, discussed cloth diapering a bit (since they're all new to that), and kissed and said goodbye to DS. Then I got in the car and cried.

It really isn't a huge deal, but my nerves and "this short" and I didn't sleep well last night. If DH had said something obvious while we were getting ready I could have gotten ready faster. If he had said something specific as we were leaving the house I would have taken all of the bags and suggested that he come on Monday instead of today.

It is just a simple miscommunication, but it pushed me over the emotional edge that I have been teetering on for the past week. So I am sitting here, at my desk at work, wiping my tears with DS's washcloth/droolrag, hoping that no one comes in to see me just yet. I'm glad it's Friday.

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