Sunday, May 27, 2001

The stick for blood went easy on the first try for a change! I was in and out of there in less than 10 minutes, and I was even almost on time for Sunday School. (I would have been if I hadn't stopped at McDonald's drive-thru for breakfast.)

Last night DH and I discussed what he should say to people if anyone asked where I was. We both attend extremely regularly, "religiously" you could say. (Ha ha!) It's a small church, so people notice if we are gone unexpectedly, particularly if only one of us is gone. We had decided on a truthful, yet vague, "She had something personal come up." I don't even know if anyone asked him... no one said anything to me. I'm relieved.

My next thing to worry about is the side effects of the BCPs. The literature warns of nausea, and my sister and my email list mentioned that also. I start taking them while on vacation, so that could really mess up my plans. :-(

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