Tuesday, September 03, 2002

There were a couple of (loudly) crying kids at daycare this morning, so I stayed to keep DS calm until the others calmed down a bit. Sometimes when the other kids cry he starts crying, too. He didn't this morning, so I left after a few minutes. At noon, he had just fallen asleep when I got there. It was his first nap of the day, and he was sleeping through quite a racket (crying kids, squeaking rocking chairs, and music that seemed loud to me). I held him while he napped for about 20 minutes, then tried to put him in his crib. He woke up but didn't seem hungry. I changed his wet diaper then fed him. He was more interested in sucking on his fingers than eating, but once he got started he didn't mess around. He fell asleep while eating, so I tried to lay him down again. He woke up again and this time looked ready to play! But I had to go back to work. :-( Hopefully the other kids won't be so fussy this afternoon.

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