Tuesday, June 11, 2002

EEG was normal!

DS's EEG was normal this afternoon, so we get to wean him off the medicine. We cut the dose in half for 5 days, then in half again for 5 more days, then no more. Yippee!

He was so good at the Dr.'s office! He had been crying at home because I wouldn't feed him (which was so hard for me), so I put him in the carseat and we left for the Dr. about 30 minutes early. He fell right asleep in the car, which I pretty much expected. He stayed asleep when I sat in the parking lot filling out the "new patient" paperwork, and he stayed asleep in the waiting room, too. When the EEG Tech started putting the electrodes on his head he woke up but stayed very quiet and still. I was so surprised that he did not cry! I let him suck on my finger until he fell back asleep. The Tech did the test, and he slept through it all, including the strobe light. He was quiet while getting a shampoo to get the sticky stuff off his head, and then I fed him and changed his diaper. He was even alert and happy during the Dr.'s visit about an hour and a half later. We go back in 3 months for a followup on his general neurological development, but no more EEGs or seizure medicine.

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