Tuesday, March 18, 2003


The news is still bad, but it is a different person. My brother is the one with cancer on his kidneys. He just called to correct my misunderstanding because he wife still reads Blog to a Baby. (Hi J!)

I think my brain must have just flipped out last night when my husband told me about the phone call from my dad. I heard my brother's name, then my dad's name, then "cancer" and the rest must have gotten mixed around. It's a big relief about my dad... he has enough to deal with right now with recovering from his broken hip (and getting to go home tomorrow -- finally). But it raises all kinds of other concerns for my brother and his family, which includes 3 children. The good news is that renal cell cancer, if still Stage I, or even Stage II, has a very good prognosis. He will have surgery, probably next week, and they will remove the kidney and some tissue around it and a few lymph nodes to test to see if it has spread. Even without a biopsy they are fairly sure it is malignant. Apparently the looks of it on the CT scan are pretty telling.

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