Thursday, March 03, 2005


DS1 is wearing underwear today! He has been since about 9 this morning. The past 2 weeks he was used the toilet both at daycare (many times) and at home (3 times). His teacher suggested "toilet training" begin Monday (3 days ago), but since he was not interested in the toilet at home all weekend we waited. She doesn't recommend pull-ups in most cases, since they feel like diapers to the kids. Also, since we use cloth most of the time anyway, he knows what dry vs. wet feel like.

It was a conscious decision on his part "to be a big boy". I do want to make sure he doesn't feel pressure, especially if he has accidents. I also want to comfort him and let him know that he can be a "big boy" on the potty and still be a "little boy" in other ways. I think he is processing and working on the "big boy" thing a lot. He has asked to get into his little brother's crib several times in the past couple of weeks. I let him a couple of evenings ago. He played with the piano at the end of the crib, then wanted out after a few minutes.

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