Wednesday, October 31, 2001


Depending on how they count months, some people would say that I am now 4 months pg. Wow! For those who count that way, pg lasts 10 months! I think I'll stick with 9 and be 3 1/2 months along. :-)

The nausea and fatigue are much better. Although I don't feel really energetic, at least I'm not constantly exhausted as I was for a while. I have noticed the mood swings, also known as "crys at the drop of a hat for unknown reasons" recently. Okay, it's not really that bad, but I do get teary watching TV sometimes, and I have cried several times while reading the book Chicken Soup for the Expectant Mother's Soul that I borrowed from my sister. There have been several stories in there that really make me miss my mom.

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