Friday, October 05, 2001


I just found out that a friend of mine (who is 2 weeks behind me) had what was thought to be a miscarriage earlier this week, but when the hospital staff did an u/s they saw the baby still inside! She was bleeding a lot at home and passed a mass of tissue. The ambulance staff checked her and then took her (and the tissue) to the hospital. After an exam she was given information about grieving, but they wanted to do an u/s to make sure that she didn't need a d&c for the placenta or other material. That's when they saw the baby and heartbeat doing fine. She's on bedrest now. Very scary!

I think my DH might have seen her in the Emergency Room. He works at a local hospital doing computer support so he gets around all over the hospital. One night after work (I wish I could remember which night) he told me about seeing a very upset woman (with a sweater around her waist) in the ER and overhearing questions about "how far along" and "bleeding". He was visibly shaken, even telling me about it hours later.

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