Sunday, June 17, 2001

Day 24 of IVF Prep

I've been out of town for a few days again and have missed posting to my blog and reading my AdvancedHope email, but that's about all I've missed about computers. Since computer support is what I do for a living, it has been a nice break. We did go out and buy a mouse with a scroller yesterday... that's a nice feature to have!

My DH has had kind of a tough time with Father's Day today. We had a nice long talk at dinner. I really feel for him and understand. Last year's Mother's Day was really tough for me (this year wasn't quite as hard).

I'm just starting to have a little spotting, so I think I'll be having the period that is expected while on bcp soon. I'll have to wait until taking the last pill to get the Rx refilled because I'm not supposed to take the last 7 day's pills (the green ones), and my insurance won't pay for a refill until the Rx is 3/4 gone. At least it will fall on a weekday, so I shouldn't have any trouble getting it that day. Speaking of Rx payments, we are sending in our Health Savings Account (pre-tax flexible spending account) reimbursement forms for our Rx expenses so far this year. Not counting any doctor or lab fees, we will get $558 back! That will sure be nice! We had to set the amount last November, and we went conservative because we hoped that IVF wouldn't be necessary, and if you don't spend it you lose it completely. So most of the IVF expenses won't be paid with pre-tax money, but at least they will be tax deductible, because I'm certain that we'll bypass the 7% of our income mark.

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