Thursday, February 28, 2002


I just got back from my doctor's appointment. As I expected, all is still going well. I gained 1.5 lbs, and am measuring right on schedule. We are quite sure that the baby is head-down now (last time it was hard to tell). We met with one of the two doctors that I will choose between for my last month of prenatal care and the birth. Next time (in 2 weeks) we will meet with the other one, then we'll decide. It is getting close very quickly!

Wednesday, February 27, 2002


My email box has been over quota quite a lot lately, so I'm switching a couple of lists to be read on the web instead of sending emails. It's not as convenient that way, but free email has it's limitations.

My fingers tingle often, usually when I'm holding a writing or eating utensil. The heartburn isn't too bad; I guess I'm getting used to eating smaller portions. The baby moves around a lot, particularly when I first wake up, late afternoon, and late evening. I think s/he is going to be a night-owl like me.

Thursday, February 21, 2002


Some observations:
  • My areoles are finally starting to get darker. I had read this would happen, but it was taking so long that I wondered about it since I am very fair-skinned.
  • My belly button looks like a crater, especially when I sit up or otherwise use my abdominal muscles.
  • I don't have any stretch marks yet, but I sure feel big and round! Since my belly has been very big before (but not with a baby), and it got that way gradually the first time, I'm hoping my skin may be stretchy enough that I don't get any new marks.
  • I know I don't get enough sleep, because I can nap anywhere. (Yesterday I napped both at my desk in a bright room and on a store room floor.)

Friday, February 15, 2002


Today's checkup went fine. My BP is still fine, baby sounds & feels good, and the baby (or at least my uterus) is growing right on schedule. We go back in 2 weeks and will definitely get to talk with the other doctors... today didn't work out because they are extra busy on Fridays (and Mondays). Our next appointment is on a Thursday, fairly early in the morning.

Wednesday, February 13, 2002


I get a weekly email from BabyCenter. This week's included the following paragraph, which is comforting to read because I have been feeling the baby move less.

Don't panic if you feel the baby moving less frequently now. She's running out of room in your uterus and can't do the backflips and somersaults you're both used to. As long as you can feel her squirming from time to time, she's fine.

Tuesday, February 12, 2002

La Leche League International

I went to a La Leche League meeting this evening. There was one two-month old baby, three toddlers, and a four-year old, oh and about twelve women. Five of the women were pregnant. I might have been the only one expecting my first, or there might have been one other, I don't remember what the other gal said. It was a good time of discussion about different breastfeeding issues. I'll probably go back next month.

Monday, February 11, 2002


I have a wonderful husband! At our Bradley childbirth class yesterday, the question of "why have a natural childbirth?" came up for discussion. There were lots of good answers related to the baby's health, the mother's health and ease of recovery, breastfeeding, and a feeling of accomplishment. After most of the others had spoken, DH said that his reason is simply because that's what I want.

On the way home we talked about this, because he was concerned that he might have embarrassed me. I was not at all embarrassed. I was very touched and honored. I know he was not originally comfortable with my desire for a unmedicated and intervention-free birth, but his choice to support me demonstrates one of the many reasons that I love him so much. He reminded me of something from our premarital counselling years ago... what do we do when we don't agree?... one of us has to make the final decision. In this case, since I am the one having the baby, he deferred to me and is supporting my decision in every way that he can. And by the time that we're done with classes and practice, and the baby is actually here, he might even agree with me. :-)

Friday, February 08, 2002


My office environment is more kid-friendly than people let on. Right now two of my co-workers are talking almost baby-talk to their little ones on the phone. (I work in a office with 4 cubicles, so we can hear almost everything that goes on.) Across from me is the dad of an almost 2 year old, and next to me is the mom of a 9 month old.

Thursday, February 07, 2002


I'm 3/4 of the way there, wow!

Things are going well still. My heartburn is better, because I am eating smaller amounts at a time. My coworkers will be having a shower for me (it's official, but the date isn't set yet). We have a buyer for the piano. And the Easter cantata that DH is directing will be wonderful. (I had really wanted him to not do it this year, because of the time involved in planning and rehearsing, but after our first rehearsal on Monday I realized, and told him, that deciding to do it was the RIGHT decision.)

Tuesday, February 05, 2002


I think I'm starting to have Braxton-Hicks contractions once in a while. It's kind of a tightness low in my abdomen, off to the sides a bit, kind of like a menstrual cramp but not quite in the same place. At dinner my DH suggested that he should start carrying his pager all of the time (not just for work hours) and that I should take our cell phone will me when I leave the house. That's okay by me, but I know we won't need them for anything baby related for a long time.

Monday, February 04, 2002


Things are looking up! I have my voice back, we have hired a doula, and I'm feeling better. My PCP has switched me to every 2 weeks, and my uterus is measuring right "on schedule". I am starting to have more problems with heartburn, and I had big problems with constipation last week, but that seems to be better today. We don't need to buy a crib after all, my SIL said that we can borrow theirs but should get a new mattress for it. Now if my coworker who is interested in the piano will decide "yes" we will be able to move forward with getting the nursery ready soon!